
EJX was banded in 2016 and was last seen on 05/21/2024 near Wailoa River State Recreation Area. EJX is estimated to be at least 8 years old and appears in the dataset 108 times.    

Sighting data for has been provided by: Jordan Lerma, Evan Thomas, Bob Bowers, Mark Hays, Kellen Apuna, Satoko Lincoln, USGS ENC, Christian Reynolds, kelseabythesea, sweetdream_kazu, Michael Q Ceballos, Hawai'i Photo Factory, artistic.mana, Joanna Maney, aloha_tales, Ariel Imoto, John Woeckener, Melisa Pinnow, Sarah Tolmie, Jeanne Araiza-Lee, Bret Mossman, Starr Yamada, Saxony Charlot, Kili Kawaiaea, joeksuey, Saxony Charlot, Sarah Taylor Ko, Barry Spolter, Eleanor H Sarren, Tom Klubertanz, watergirl1, Kiwi Kelly, Sherri Kolman, obsr406114, obsr682005, obsr238834, obsr193944, obsr247143, obsr1758420, Xin Cen, Jason McKinney, Mandy Talpas, Matt Johnson, Matt M., Ellen Okuma, Tracy Kazunaga, Alexandra Vanderzee. Banding data was provided by USGS and DLNR.

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