Remote Monitoring

Leveraging custom-built cameras and acoustic technology to monitor nēnē populations through band number identification and bioacoustic analysis, providing comprehensive monitoring capabilities across Hawaiʻi.

About the Project

Our remote monitoring project revolutionizes nēnē population monitoring through a combination of visual and acoustic technologies. Using custom-built and commercial network-connected cameras, we capture and analyze images to track individual birds through their band numbers, while advanced acoustic monitoring systems help us track movement patterns and behaviors. With three cameras currently deployed in key locations, alongside acoustic monitoring units, we're establishing a foundation for comprehensive, real-time population monitoring across Hawaiʻi.

This initiative aligns with our broader mission of leveraging technology to make conservation more cost-effective and scalable. Our custom software processes both captured images to identify and track band numbers, and acoustic data to analyze call patterns and types, enabling us to monitor individual birds' movements and behaviors while dramatically reducing the resources needed for traditional monitoring methods.

Core Objectives

Visual Monitoring

Network of cameras capturing real-time imagery of nēnē populations.

Band Number Tracking

Custom software for automated identification of individual birds.

Image Analysis

Advanced algorithms for processing and analyzing captured imagery.

Acoustic Analysis

Machine learning for analyzing call patterns and types.

Equipment & Methodology

Advanced Camera Systems

Deployment of custom-built and commercial network-connected cameras, with three units currently monitoring key locations.

Acoustic Monitoring Equipment

Wildlife Acoustic monitoring units for capturing and analyzing nēnē vocalizations and movement patterns.

Strategic Placement

Carefully selected deployment locations in forest reserves, coordinated with LOHE Lab and DLNR wildlife biologists.

Data Processing

Custom software for automated band number recognition and acoustic pattern analysis.

Future Vision

Our ultimate goal is to expand our network of remote monitoring cameras and acoustic sensors across Hawaiʻi, providing continuous insights into nēnē population health and movement patterns. This technology-driven approach will significantly reduce the cost and effort required for population monitoring, while providing more detailed information about individual birds through both visual and acoustic tracking.

By combining camera technology and acoustic monitoring with advanced analysis techniques, we're not just gathering data – we're creating a comprehensive, scalable solution that can transform how we approach species conservation across the Hawaiian Islands.

Project Benefits

Enhanced Remote Sensing

Improving our ability to monitor populations in areas with limited accessibility, providing crucial data for conservation efforts.

Data-Driven Conservation

Using camera and acoustic data to improve population estimates and identify critical areas for conservation efforts.

Collaborative Impact

Sharing data and models with State, Federal, and private resource management organizations to enhance conservation efforts across Hawaiʻi.

Project Status

Development PhaseIn Progress
Initial DeploymentComplete
Data AnalysisOngoing


  • LOHE Lab at UH Hilo
  • DLNR Wildlife Division
  • Mālama Kioea
  • Birds of Hawaiʻi Past and Present
  • Hui Aloha Kiholo