A nēnē in flight against a blue sky

Nēnē Population Dynamics

Current Status of Nēnē Populations

Data Source

All population data presented on this page are compiled by the Nēnē Recovery Action Group (NRAG). The NRAG is a collaborative effort of wildlife biologists and land managers working to protect and restore Nēnē populations. Nene.org is not a part of NRAG therefore any questions about the population data should be directed to NRAG members.

Citation: Nēnē Recovery Action Group (NRAG). (2023). Hawaiian Goose Population Estimates 2014-2023.

Population Overview

Total Population


Comparison between 2014 and 2023 (NRAG)

Hawaiʻi Island


-225 from 2014(-17.7%)



+1461 from 2014(+171.3%)



-434 from 2014(-50.3%)



-51 from 2014(-89.5%)



-4 from 2014(-100.0%)


Population Tracking Methodology

The Nēnē Recovery Action Group (NRAG) uses a combination of methods to track nēnē populations across the Hawaiian islands. This includes direct observations of both banded and unbanded birds through annual or biannual surveys. In National Parks, birds are tracked year-round with an enhanced methodology that considers a bird likely deceased if it hasn't been sighted in two consecutive years. Outside of National Parks, population estimates are generally based on straightforward tallies from direct observations.

Population Trends by Island

Explore how nēnē populations have changed across different Hawaiian islands over the past decade. Click on the island names to show or hide their data.

Source: Nēnē Recovery Action Group (NRAG) Population Estimates